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Noida's number 1, take demo & experience it
Available both offline & online modes
Please observe our student"s performances in demo & take admission
No change in 5 classes, we will refund the fee

About Us

We have a proactive & highly enthusiastic team to bring the change in you, we are trying our best to do so and using the universal law practice. We are working on 80:20 principle, 80% practice & 20 % training.We are offering a platform where you can speak more & more. More positive practice, more positive result, this is the law of nature, so take a trial class & experience the change.

All the best dear students !

Our Services

Spoken English Courses

English play a pivotal role in everyone’s life, there is a great utility of English in modern world. It is the most acceptable business language worldwide.

Learning English can help you persue & obtain more career opportunities, so be ready for the change @ FOC.

Personality Development

Personality development is the process of improving & growing ones outer & inner self in order to make a positive  difference in one’s life, you can become the best version of yourself if you want to.

How to develop?

  • Join Yoga & Meditation
  • Induce qualities in the seed form
  • Think like a leader
  • Learn to let go
  • Stay calm & control breath

Earn Money Fast

If we want to earn money fast, we will have to understand the physiology of making money. There are some proven ways to make money fast, take control of you financial situation. Everything we have & everything that we become is partly born from our thoughts. Think & you shall become. Curate & cultivate the right thoughts if you want to live an abundant life.

Magical Steps:
  • Do not save the money
  • Investment is the key to financial freedom
  • Work as freelancer
  • Help with home gardening
  • How to earn fast search on Google/YouTube (rare of the rarest searching)

Motivational/Inspirational Classes

Inspiration is when you feel a deep rooted passion & motivation to do something, it comes from inside.
Why do we need?

  • To arousal of the mind to special unusual activity or creativity
  • Inspiration is a food foe your soul, it gives you energy to do things that the world thought were impossible
  • To get the divine guidance
  • Business Tanning

    How to do business is an art, A business starts small, this approach is the key to success.

    Steps are:

    • Develop a business strategy
    • Develop a realistic vision
    • Focus on system growth
    • Make fact based decisions
    • Understand the law of business

    Learn Entrepreneurship

    Entrepreneurship, it’s a step by step method; the entrepreneurial process has 5 phases, idea generation, opportunity evaluation, planning, company formation/launch & growth.

    In this course steps are extended in greater details. An entrepreneur has an unusual foresight to identify the potential demand for the goods & services.

    The entrepreneurial process is a set of stages & events that one flow one another. A critical factor that drive the development of the business at each stage as with most human behavior, entrepreneurial traits are shaped by personal attribute & environment.

    The Entrepreneur Mind

    To achieve unimaginable access to reach the upper echelons of entrepreneurs, you have to change the way you think, it means, you must develop the entrepreneur mind.

    How to think like an entrepreneur, it’s an art, if you want to practice this art, associate with FOC. An entrepreneur mindset is a specific set of belifs, knowledge & thought process that drive entrepreneurial behavior. Being a successful entrepreneur requires an outside the box ideas.

    The entrepreneurial mindset is unique in that one must be creative, communicative & highly motivated to succeed, yet open to risk & failure.

    Entrepreneurship Mastery

    In this course learn the fundamentals behind proper entrepreneurship, planning, execution, enhanced cognitive ability.

    • By the end of this course, you will be able to change the way in entrepreneurship
    • You will be enhancing the productivity, creativity & brain storming ability
    • In a nut shell, you will have a competitive advantage that can take you to new horizons in entrepreneurship.


      Contact Us

      Take a trial class, within 5 classes, if you do not experience the change, we will refund the fee, call now @ 7982864537


      Our Nucleus

      Mr. Avinash


      Mrs. Priyashi


      Mr. Amit


      Mr. Saurabh


      Our Faculty

      Mr. Sanjay


      Tina Talwar


      Mr. Durgesh


      Mr. Satish


      Why Choose Us ?

      Clarity of Basic Fundamentals

      There is nothing quite as intense as the moment of clarity, clarity is alignment of where to go?

      Unique Teaching Pattern

      We will train you where to look but do not tell you where to see, observe our student"s performances in demo class & take the admission

      Practice, Practice & Practice

      If you do not practice, you do not deserve to win

      Take a trial class, if within 5 classes no change, we will refund the fee. Call now @ 7982864537

        Contact Us

        Take a trial class, within 5 classes, if you do not experience the change, we will refund the fee, call now @ 7982864537